Monday, 21 June 2010


I had completely forgotten that the prickly huge bush at the side of the garden flowers - it certainly hasn't bloomed like this before! I don't particularly like the scent, it isn't as sweet as the tall tree but it is so so pretty!
As for the feeder - pound shop I love you.

My lettuce actually looks like lettuce, and is almost ready to start picking - and looks a damned sight better than the expensive crap I got from Sainsburys last week. Oranges, new potatoes and lettuce, all crap.
My lettuce, spinach and chard are all thriving, and the radishes are almost ready too, they have taken longer than expected but look pretty healthy.

Doesn't everyone have plant pots filled with shells?
A little house with a garden near the sea, that would be utter heaven.

Not a lot of knitting to show, expect some more stripes - might get the back finished by tonight. A fair amount of sewing going on, I might have a craft fair on Saturday, if not it will all go on Etsy or Artfire to try and fund Knitcamp.
But for now, pretty things other than crafting:

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