Tuesday 9 August 2011

Terrible Times

I don't really need to say much do I.
Just put the telly on, open a paper - look at it.

I am reassured that I am not the only person in tears at times watching it - I thought it was my emotional state / pain / medication - instead I think it is a perfectly valid human reaction to mindless, mass destruction, violence and insanity.

I admit to being one of the many (majority?) condemning the police for 'doing nothing' - although I also know that they are damned if they do, damned if they don't.
But please take a moment to read this blog inspectorgadget.
Then maybe reconsider.
I did.

Many bizarre moments amongst the general insanity - not leats Dave shiny face sun tanned Camoron doing his 'We need more police on the streets' bit. Really? Is this the same Dave who has demanded massive cuts across the police and fire brigade?

I also liked (liked?) his parting comment to the press - 'I am sure you understand I must go now, important work to be done'.
What a pillock.
Washing your holiday clothes can wait Dave! Truly! You have another holiday planned in a week or two, just buy new!

Another bizarre example -  what sort of criminal is happy to be filmed robbing POUNDLAND??? Wtf? Where's your self respect! Crisps and pop, I despair. No wonder this country is going downhill. So when they all get together to show and tell (and sell) and all those checked shirts (what's with the abundance of checked shirts on all the clips? Is it an invasion of wannabe lumberjacks on the rampage?) are piled high with phones, watches, giant tellys and iPads, will Wayne and Waynetta Slob be there all proud and spotty with their offering of a bottle of Fizztime lemonade and seven packets of Sour Moams?

Well 'ard. Innit.

My daughter works in Chapeltown where a man was shot last night - a mini 'riot' was squashed fairly effectively and a peace march ( on a small scale) was happening this evening - I think the local community are desperate to avoid a repeat of the 1980s riots there.
I told her to take a tin and say she thought it was a peas march.

1 comment:

Chrissy said...

What annoys me is that there has been so little coverage of the flash mob clear up crews #riotwombles where residents went out and helped clear up the mess and reconnected on the streets. There have been incidents of residents standing up to the looters. This video stuns me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWvg3-aw50o&feature=youtube_gdata_player.
