Monday, 21 May 2012

Strange thing in the sky

Glowing. Whatever can it be - surely the sky is meant to be dark grey and full of rain?


Right, a PSidney update - he is eating sort of, he loves the mush I am giving him from a spoon and syringe. Will keep a close eye on him and see how things go. Bless him.

The garden is blooming lovely at the mo - still plenty of tidying to do (amazing how I manage to accumulate clutter even in a tiny garden - my mum pointed out last time she was here that the garden is just like the inside of my house!).

The amazing tulips continue to be the star of the show, I wish I could remember where the bulbs were from - imagine a garden full of these. Gorgeous. Sadly I only have 5!
These little toughies survive most things and just reappear every year. Simple, cheap, pretty. A bit like many celebs.
Sadly the contents of the greenhouse are not quite so pretty. The tomato plants - yes, those spindly things are tomatoes - are really not at all happy about life. I might admit defeat and buy some healthier ones next time I am out.
The baby turnips were looking better and I repotted several yesterday.
The coriander, basil and chive seeds are sprouting - the mint isn't, and I thought that would be the hardiest and most prolific. My nan has been put on plant duty on the windowsill - she could grow pretty much anything, and would sit in her sun house with a cig and a cup of tea telling her cutting to 'grow you buggers grow'. I love my nan.
The best people ever.
She would find it highly amusing - and rather silly - that I have moved her photo to sit with the seedlings.
She had a couple of HUGE christmas cacti plants, my mum has one of them now - every winter they would be laden with flowers. Well I have one, tiny in comparison (seriously, nans were utter monsters) but mine never flowers in winter. Oh no, that would be far too normal. Mine flowers every year around this time.
Not only is it laden at the moment but where dead flowers have dropped off new buds are about to come through. I like my eccentric plant.
Last year this peony grew taller and taller and promised everything - and did nothing. I am keeping an eye on the bud that has appeared - will it flower or just be even more leaves?

Knitting and assorted stuff is sort of happening, The pom pom blanket has arrived at its destination with one of the most delightful babies in the entire world and apparently little Arthur is mesmerised by the pom poms! Brilliant. I ma currently knitting some nicely complex cable blocks for my own throw, one more is finished and another is abou half done (not too keen on the second one but will jazz it up maybe with buttons or crochet flowers).

And that's about it - lorra lorra flowers really!

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