Thursday, 2 September 2010


I felt the need to surround myself with beautiful things.
The sun was shining - we are having the most fabulous week of weather, it was 21C here yesterday, and my teenytiny garden is a little sun trap in the afternoon. I sat on the step with a book, then played with my beloved camera.

Only one of my dahlias grew this year, but as it is a rather gorgeous one I can't moan about that. Love it.

Absolutely love it.
My sunflowers - well. Let's just say 'stunted'. But some of them did flower, so I suppose the birdies will enjoy the seeds in a few more weeks. They attract faaaar too many nasty wabby things for my liking though, yuk.
Past it's prime (aren't we all?) but still a lovely splash of colour. Last week when it was craptastic weather I could see these blowing and bending in the wind from the settee, and bless them they survived. Erm. There wasn't any wind actually ON the settee, you understand. Although maybe there was a little bit. The wind was outside, with the sunfleurs. Got it?

BUT LOOK! Nasssssty, nasty. (can you spot the person allergic to nasty striped critter stings? epipen at the ready, grrrrrr to you useless bloody stingy things).

pants to it
great big saggy pants

I have no problemo with buzzybees though. I hasten to point out I do not call them buzzy bees in public. Much.
When I was sitting waiting for the bus the other day there was a comedy bee, hugely fat and drunk on pollen, BUZZZZZING his way in a big blousy dog rose next to me. The noise was brilliant, like something from a cartoon. Every now and again it would go silent, then this bizarre loud BUUUUUUUUZ! would start up again. By the time the bus came I was giggling like a Scary Bus Person.

Today I had an urge to wash every single towel I own - and I own a lot of towels for which I blame Miss L Ashley and get them all out on the line in the sun. Not really sure why but it seemed a good idea at the time, I now look as though I have opened a very PINK B&B. There may be ironing at some point. There most definitely needs to be tidying, much much tidying (it's an utter shit heap here at the moment). And sewing.

And knitting. I have the urge for something lace and pretty and definitely pink.



Hreowian said...

The stripey, buzzy insect on the sunflower? Doesn't actually sting. It's a fly pretending to be a bee so that it will be left alone. May be a very bad tactic in *your* garden but still. :)

Gorgeous weather here since I'm trapped at work. : /

You should play with your camera more often!


KnitYoga said...

Gorgeous flower pics! I think the insect is a hoverfly.

sulkycat said...

thanks hazel, its not a waspy then?

hreow, i love this little camera, its fantastic - i want a better one some day but its served me well so far

Twelfthknit said...

Hreowian- you took thw words out of my mouth....I pay A LOT of attnetion to yllow and black stripey things!!

Rebecca said...

nasty wabby things

uhm would that be the bu_t_rf__es word? or just bees and wasps?
so did you have any luxury pillows with those towels?
glad to hear you sounding chipper!

sulkycat said...

hellooooo becca! wabbies = wasps, yuk - although there are a heck of a lot of those scary fluttery things too, arrrgggghhh

last of the towels on the line at the moment, then a mountain of ironing - i think i am nesting incase the scans arent good news!

Darkglobe said...

>>>When I was sitting waiting for the bus the other day there was a comedy bee, hugely fat and drunk on pollen, BUZZZZZING his way in a big blousy dog rose next to me. The noise was brilliant, like something from a cartoon. Every now and again it would go silent, then this bizarre loud BUUUUUUUUZ! would start up again. By the time the bus came I was giggling like a Scary Bus Person<<<

loved that.....there's a lavender bush on the way round to our shops, and it's always full of bouncing bees, and I always stop to talk to I'm sure I look like the Crazy Bee lady ;)
