I have always had a weakness for Bad Boys. Hence being single, it never works out and Bad Boys seem to be very possessive and hard to get rid of. But fun ;-)
'This is all very interesting Sulks, but what has it got to do with anything?' I hear you ask.
Yesterday was a bit of a mega hospital day - the screening for a newish drug which might just start mending this knackered little body. I think 'tis easier to write a post dedicated just to that tomorrow.
But afterwards, after the three and a half hours of being prodded, jabbed, x-rayed etc, I was outside the hospital waiting for my taxi.
And there he was - whizzing that wheelchair of his round as though he was playing Murderball (remember Him, the blue haired delight of the Paralympics? Yum). Sadly this wasn't THAT him.
Tattoos, scrawny, shaven headed. Oh yes. Exactly the type I go for. Then something magical happened and he approached me in his wheelz. And uttered those romantic words -
'gorra light luv?'
If only I hadn't actually looked at him when I said sorry no, it might have been the start of a beautiful romptastic relationship.
But look I did.
That was one battered chavvy type, mug yer muvver for her pension book type of face.
Nah, think I will leave that one alone.
Not that desperate. Yet .... ;-)
Apart from yesterday's trip there isn't much to report. After last weeks flare up I had a few days of feeling really crap, like fighting off the flu. Dr chappy yesterday said that is classic RA, the way it attacks the whole body.
But things have been made and things are going to be made.
I have finally mastered gluten free scones, which I am delighted with - recipe to follow asap, but blimey these are nice.
I hope everyone reading (anyone reading? Hello?) escaped the flooding without harm. I so feel for the poor woman in Whitby who was given 30 minutes to grab her most precious possessions and get out, her home is being demolished tomorrow morning after a massive landslide. Poor poor woman. To stand outside and know you cannot get anything else as the house is condemned. Heart breaking.
We have had a day of sunshine today (allegedly, I spent most of the day in bed resting after yesterday). I much prefer cold but bright, much better than cold and grey and dark and wet and gloomy, which is what we have had for weeks now.
This single leaf made me smile yesterday and I had to grab a photo before that too fell onto the ground.
More tomorrow. Toodles .
I am here. I read all your posts.
I watched the woman in Whitby who had half an hour to get some things out of her home. I couldn't do it if I had half a day. All my lovely things that I have and would be heartbroken to loose as well as my lovely home. It's only a two up two down but I have always been happy here.
I am here. I read all your posts.
I saw the woman in Whitby. I couldn't imagine having half an hour to get your possessions out of your home. I couldn't do it with half a day. I would be heartbroken at losing all my lovely things. Especially this home. It's only a two up two down but I have been so happy here.
I'm here too! ;)
I reckon the chap in the chair would have been a pirate in an another era. And you gotta fancy a pirate!
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