Monday 30 July 2012


Tired, sore, fed up.

So have some piccies!

Obviously loads of Olympic piccies around.

Queenie, you are a bloody STAR to let this happen, and Mr Boyle thou art a genie arse. Superb.

Look at those leggies on the last one!
Fudged spelling.

Rescued wombat baby - look at that nose! Look at it! AWWWWWW!

Had forgotten about the nastursium seeds I had shoved in - this looks fantastic against the rich pink of the pentunias.Subtle it is not.
Making has been happening, my dry and sore hands are proof. One crow finished, four almost finished. One cat started, one sheep ditto. 30 sheep brooches finished. Phew.

I had a fire incident in the kitchen the other day (nobody hurt, nothing damaged except some oven trays), meant I had a bit of a delayed blub and then cleaned the oven, so that's added to the dry handies.
Phew. Again.

My house is, to put it bluntly, a shit hole, it was NEVER like this when i was working which is ironic I suppose (except obviously the sole reason I am not working is because I am too ill - so I suppose there is a reason for not being on top of the tidying). Doesn't make it any easier to bear though.
I don't think this little house reflects the 'me' that is in my head. Or maybe I am much duller than I thought and this house really DOES reflect me!

Either way, I am determined to spend the next few weeks trying to make friends with my house and turn it into more of a home ( a bit hard when it is rented but that cannot be helped).
The messy hall - yes, all one metre of it, was quite straightforward to tackle. I took the existingshoe rack from there, hoovered, and plonked this unattractive but very handy set of drawers there. Then did all the drawers, covered it and added one of my favourite gifts:

I can't do much about the fact that the walls need painting (rented) but will get my daughter to paint the woodwork. This is definitely a start - the stairs are next!
I have also gutted one side of the living room thoroughly, looks cleaner and more organised.

Not much but it is a start.

Hope everyone reading this is well - do you love your home?


Glynis said...

One of these days I plan to spend quality time with my home! At the moment it is just a bit player in the drama of life.
Enjoy your newly spruced corners, but don't overdo things.

sulkycat said...

Thank you - it's hard to draw the line between keeping active and making things worse!
